6 simple ways to use less energy in the home

Image by Steven from Pixabay

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As the short days and cold weather of winter approaches, so does the prospect of higher energy bills. This is especially true this year as average energy bills skyrocket in the UK following 18 months of sharply rising gas and oil prices and limited fuel supplies, both exacerbated by Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

Heat and electricity are basic needs in the home, but there are ways in which you can reduce your energy usage without switching everything off completely. With the current prices, even small energy savings go a long way in lowering the overall cost. Discover six simple ways that you can use less energy in the home this winter.

Service your boiler and radiators

Before the season really sets in, take the time to service your boiler. The more efficiently your boiler is working, the less energy is needed in order for you to heat your home. You should also bleed your radiators to remove excess air which allows for a speedy circulation of hot water.

Upgrade your heating system

If you have sufficient funds, you could also consider upgrading your heating system. This does require a substantial initial investment, but it would lead to significant savings in the long-run. Modern heating systems are much more efficient than their traditional counterparts. Homeowners can choose between smaller and faster gas boilers coupled with energy efficient radiators or new green heating systems powered by natural resources such as sunlight.

Improve your insulation

There is no point improving the heating system in your home if the heat will escape before it properly warms the room. Ensure that your property is well-insulated, from adding filling material to the roof and walls to fitting double-glazed windows. Even simple measures such as draught-proofing doorways and window ledges can have a great effect.

Take appliances off stand-by

Get into the habit of taking your home appliances off stand-by. Machinery that is not properly turned off will use a constant supply of electricity. Computers and televisions are two of the appliances that are commonly left on stand-by overnight, so take time to check these before you go to sleep.

Be savvy with your washing

Washing machines, dishwashers, and most particularly tumble dryers utilise a lot of energy in the home. Make your money go further by saving up enough laundry for a full load each time rather than doing washing more frequently at a reduced capacity. Similarly, try to reserve the tumble dryer for the bulky items that do not dry well at room temperature such as bed sheets and bath towels.

Don’t overfill the kettle

When you are making a cup of tea, try to boil only the amount of water you need. Overfilling the kettle means that excess energy is used completely unnecessarily. Considering how many times we use the kettle each day, this is a hack that could go a long way towards lowering your energy bills – in winter and throughout the year.