I’m usually pretty careful with my money but I do need to keep spending in check. It has been an expensive month with a new oven and the bathroom ceiling is leaking again so I need to be extra careful. Later this year I’ll be a part time student and my working hours will be reduced so now is a great time to get control of my money. I’ve almost finished decluttering my paperwork so reducing outgoings is the next step.
This month I’m working through “7 Starters to Frugal Freedom” which is a free e-book you can get for signing up to The Frugal Family newsletter.

You can get 7 Starters for Frugal Freedom from www.thefrugalfamily.co.uk
Claire Lyons runs The Frugal Family with an ethos that fits very well with less-stuff. So well that we have worked together on a book about making winter easier. Claire writes a lot about saving money in all aspects of life while incorporating self care.
“7 Starters to Frugal Freedom” is split into 7 manageable sections. The first chapter is the hardest, an audit of your money and Claire suggests you tackle it in stages if it seems like too much. Once I had actually started instead of procrastinating about it, it took about an hour. I cut and pasted my online bank statements into a spreadsheet and worked out my outgoings that way. The hardest thing was finding out how much I spend a month on my gas and electricity. The book has plenty of ideas for saving and generating money including getting cashback for your online purchases and saving money by shopping at Approved Food.
“7 Starters to Frugal Freedom” is full of handy lists that act as reminders and have great ideas for easy frugal changes. I’ve got a better idea of where I stand financially, I’ve got ideas for saving money every day and I’ve made the effort to sell something on a local Facebook group.
I’m very impressed with this freebie. It is rammed with simple, workable ideas to help you feel more in control of your finances. You can get yours here. www.thefrugalfamily.co.uk
Disclosure – I am in no way affiliated with The Frugal Family but if you use my link to join the cashback site Quidco we both get some £. I also get my account credited with a few quid if you spend money with Approved Food.
I have a money saving freebie as a thank you for signing up to the less-stuff mailing list. It is an A-Z of food leftovers. Get yours here.