Countdown to Cosy – Feel Better Flu Brew

This is an excerpt from the Eco-Friendly Autumn book which is packed full of ideas that will help you save money and live more sustainably.

Feel Better Flu Brew

I make a large pot of this as soon as I start to feel a little bit under the weather. You can brew it right down into a cordial to add to hot water too.

Ingredients to make 4 cups

  • Ginger – Thumb sized bit of root grated – root is best but ground ginger is ok.
  • 2 lemons
  • 2 handfuls of elderflowers or berries – if you can’t find any use 2 red berry tea bags, any sort will do, blackberry is good..
  • 3 pints water
  • 2 saucepans, sieve
  1. Halve the lemons and squeeze the juice into a saucepan. Then put the lemons in as well.
  2. Add the grated ginger and the elderflowers or berry tea bags.
  3. Pour in 3 pints of water.
  4. Boil then simmer for half an hour.
  5. Strain into another pan and reheat as needed.
  6. Add honey or sugar to taste.

Eco-Autumn Front CoverJoin in with the conversation in the less-stuff Facebook group to share your ideas. I’d love to hear how this works for you.

Countdown to Cosy is a collaboration with The Frugal Family – check out what they are up to on their website