Last July I wrote about my attempts to be plastic free. It was part of a global challenge called #plasticfreejuly. I’ll be honest with you, it wasn’t easy. Although I tried to avoid plastic it landed straight into my house wrapped around letters! It was everywhere and it was not that easy avoiding it.
Let us make it easy for you
This July I’ve teamed up with the very brilliant Claire from The Frugal Family to bring you a free e-course called ‘Easy ways to be plastic free‘. Sign up for it and every week day a new, small and achievable plastic free action to will land in your inbox. We haven’t forgotten the weekends, they are designed to help you reflect on what works for you.
We are not perfectionists!
If you come away from the course with just one change out of the 20 we suggest, that is one change for the better. We both totally believe that it is better to do something than nothing.
Claire said
“I wanted to take action, rather then feel overwhelmed, but it has to be easy, and fit in with normal life!”
So that is what we have done. In each email there is one thing you can do that requires very little in terms of materials or time and that will help you reduce your plastic waste.
Worried about spam?
We will send you emails throughout July and a couple of catch up ones afterwards. That is it. If we run this again next year we will send you a reminder email but we can promise you will not be added to any mailing lists. We would both love it if you want to join our main newsletter lists to keep in touch though.
You have nothing to lose! If you can’t see the form below you can use this link to join up instead.
“The challenge could make a HUGE impact even if only a single person comes away with strategies to go plastic-free!” !