- Porridge with treacle and left over strawberries cooked down,
- soya milk.
I made tea in a teapot to stretch the bag out to 2 cups.

WW2 packed lunch Cheese and mushroom sandwich, honey sandwich, raisins, propeganda, orange juice and an ignored carrot
T’s packed lunch is
- Cheese and mushroom sandwich,
- honey sandwich,
- raisins,
- juice (should be squash but we don’t have any)
- and a carrot with propeganda “carrots keep you healthy and help you see in the blackout”
I’ve saved the crusts to make something else with later in the week.
My lunch is vegetable soup, bread and marj
- Mashed potato (mine was mashed with celeriac) no butter
- Half a tin of baked beans between us (bought with ration book)
- Tiny scraping of grated cheese
- Mushrooms and leeks
- Jam tarts and custard
I also made Anzac Biscuits which are just lovely little coconutty bundles of sugary niceness.
Anzac Biscuits Recipe
1 cup of plain flour
1 cup of rolled oats
1 cup of desiccated coconut
1 cup of brown sugar
½ cup of butter of your ration.
2 ½ tbs golden syrup ( or honey)
1 tsp bicarb soda
2 ½ tbsp of boiling water
Combine flour, oats, sugar and coconut into a bowl.
Melt the butter and golden syrup or honey in a pot over low heat
Mix the bicarb soda with the water and then add to the butter and golden syrup or honey
Pour the liquid mixture into the dry mixture and mix it all well.
Teaspoon dollops of the mixture onto a greased tray make sure you leave space for spreading.
Bake in a 350F for 15 to 20 mins
In reality I melted the butter, syrup and sugar, poured this into the dry ingredients, added the water and bicarb and mixed up. I messed up the weighing so my ratios are all wrong but they taste fantastic!

Anzac biscuits are a big hit
Day 1 on WW2 rations, conclusions:
I’ve been missing cups of tea, I’ve been obsessing about food and rations and what best to spend the fat ration on. I’ve eaten more sugar today than I normally do and we have loads left in our rations.
T ate all his packed lunch apart from the carrot, he ate almost all of his dinner apart from one large spoonful and the leftover beans and potatos I put in my soup for tomorrow. He ate custard which is a newish one for him and likes Anzac Biscuits a lot! When I woke up this morning I found him googling air raid siren because he wanted to put the noise on his MP3 player. We talked about black market stuff and whether it was ethical, he says he would prefer to swap stuff which is ok. I’m hoping that the neighbours will consider swapping a couple of eggs for some of my sweet ration.
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