This month Authentic House have sent me one of their subscription boxes to review. I had no idea what was going to be in it and if you watch the video you can get my first reactions. I’ve written this a week after the video you can watch at the end of the post so I’ve had a chance to test out the products inside.
What is Authentic House?
Based over the water from me in Cardiff, Authentic House is a subscription scheme that sends eco friendly, zero waste goodies to you once a month. Their goal is to make sustainable living easier and their boxes feature local businesses and beautiful things. Boxes typically contain 2 or 3 carefully chosen items that will not become clutter. The whole ethos of Authentic House is to help you find ethical solutions without becoming overwhelmed. Each month has a different theme and the August 2018 theme was self care.
Eco to the core!
When I opened the box I was initially taken aback by the wonderful reusing ethos. If you save the boxes, fold them up and send the back you get a bonus goodie in your next box. This is such a brilliant and easy idea and the box itself is sturdy so has plenty of life left in it. If you don’t want to do that they have included a handy list of ideas for things to do with the empty box too.
What was in my box?

The little magazine that comes with the Authentic House box
Another thoughtful touch is the inclusion of a magazine that features the makers and has helpful hints. Not so long to be left unread, it is lovely to learn about the stories behind the products. I appreciate that Authentic House share their resolutions for the month too, they fit in so well with less-stuff because they are all about making small changes. This month they resolve to mindfully support a small business and to check inside your bathroom bin to look for the easy changes to make. I’m all about keeping things easy!
BUFF Body Care
I’m terrible at using body creams so my heart sank a little when I saw these. I doubted I would ever use them but I was totally wrong. They sink into my skin and don’t leave a film or any sense of grease at all. I’m a convert! The first thing you notice when you open them is the smell, I was also wrong in my smell identification, what I thought was lavender was actually cedar!
The post workout blend came at a good time. The day before the box came I decided to walk to the blood donation place, it is a good 2 hours away with a lot of going up hills. My feet and legs were really aching! The oil stays on the surface of the skin long enough to reduce friction when massaging and I was very grateful for it. I’ve been using the Morning Blend of oil each day on my arms and legs, a little goes a very long way and my skin looks a lot better.
Looking at the BUFF website they do a whole range of gorgeous looking things including body scrubs and gift boxes. If you live near Ashburton you could even get a BUFF treatment!
Cassiopeia Knit Designs
The second little package in the Authentic House box this month was a little bundle of colourful joy. Four handmade alternatives to cotton wool pads in the most gorgeous colours. You can use them to take off makeup and pop them in the washing machine after use. I’m finding that one works for both eyes because you can use both sides of the pad.
I love the way the Authentic House box introduces new people and ideas. Among the zero waste solutions (including a crocheted linen face flannel) Cassiopeia has a range of felted pots I’m a little bit obsessed with right now.
Is it worth the money?
Totally yes. I like the fact you only get a few things to avoid overwhelm and I really really like the magazine. The Authentic House box is carefully thought out and well put together. Including postage, a single box is just under £16 and the products are worth lots more than that. If you subscribe for a whole year the box price goes down and you can always send single boxes as presents to people. Hint Hint 🙂