small changes to eat local food

Small, affordable changes to eat more local food #wheresmyfoodfrom

small changes to eat local food

I’m taking part in the Live Happerley Challenge to know where all my food comes from for 7 days

Today is the last day and I’m summing up all the useful stuff I found out. I’m on a tight food budget so changes have to be affordable. The past week has been full of surprises and I’m really happy to find that I can make a couple of small changes without too much hassle.

Food costs this week:

  • Organic veg box – £15
  • Meat from the butcher £10
  • Bread from the baker £3.10
  • Cheese, eggs and bacon from the Farmers Market £4.80
  • Approved Food order (flour, white vinegar etc.) £28.50

Total spend £61.40 for 2 of us (me and the Very Hungry Teenager).

This is not a weekly shop, next week will be cheaper because I will have lots of this weeks food left to eat. I tend to do one big shop every fortnight. I’d need to track my food spending over a couple of months to get an average.

I didn’t do any top up shopping but I have got store cupboards full of food so this is not counting in the rice and pasta I had previously bought in bulk. I had a couple of beers and a couple of coffees over the weekend. Coffee from local grinders and beer from small producers. I didn’t eat out at all.

This is what I found out in 7 days of knowing where my food is from.

It has been a really interesting week. I never thought I’d be conned by a fake farm but when I read the label and saw my blueberries came from Chile it was a real eye opener. I’ll certainly pay more attention next time I shop.

My easy, affordable changes and top tips to knowing where your food is from are:

  1. Read the labels, there is probably an option that hasn’t come from so far away.
  2. Embrace the surprises with a veg box from a local company.
  3. Use local shops for meat, fish and bread. They are often cheaper too.
  4. Try new things at the Farmers Market but limit your spending if you are on a budget.
  5. Have a forage. There is loads of delicious free food out there.

You can find the Live Happerley Challenge here and search on Twitter and Instagram with the hashtag #wheresmyfoodfrom

live happerley





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