In a nutshell – 6 months ago Ikea gave me £300 to live lagom which is a Swedish word for ‘living just right’. The project and opportunity had a huge impact on the way we live. It seems like a very long time ago I got a ‘congratulations’ email from Ikea. I’m so glad I actually opened and read it. …
50 easy ways to Live LAGOM, be like Goldilocks and get life just right.
In a nutshell – To Live LAGOM means to live ‘just right’, not too hot, not too cold. When you are using the perfect amount of everything you save money and it’s good for the environment too. What is Lagom? Lagom is a Swedish word that means ‘just right’. Like the porridge that Goldilocks found, lagom is not too hot …
Live LAGOM project update after 4 months.
In a nutshell – 4 months ago I was given £300 by Ikea to help make our home more sustainable. This is what has changed in that time. It seems like a very long time ago that Tara and Aime from Bristol Ikea came round to look at my house. They had loads of great ideas about how to make …
Living lagom and making draft excluders
In a nutshell – as part of the Ikea LiveLAGOM project we were invited to make draft excluders from fabric scraps. Here are the instructions for a double one that moves with your door. There are huge gaps under the door of my living room. It is a rickety Victorian house with no right angles and lots of drafts. It …
Alternatives to one use plastic bottles
In a nutshell – I’m giving up one use water bottles and hunting for the perfect alternative reusable bottle. Sparked off by the Ikea Live LAGOM project, which is helping some very lucky people to live more sustainable lifestyles, I’ve decided to give up one-use water bottles and move over to resuable bottles. At the Live LAGOM induction, Ikea gave …
Ikea Live Lagom post 3 – planning a sustainable shopping list
In a Nutshell – I’m part of the Ikea Live Lagom programme for 2016 and I have been given £300 to spend on things from Ikea that make my home more sustainable. The Live Lagom project is being run by Ikea and the aim is to help people become more sustainable in their homes. Lagom is a Swedish word that …
Ikea Live Lagom Project Post 2 – Home Visit
In a nutshell – Ikea have given me £300 to help me become more sustainable with their products. This is part of their Live Lagom project and fits in with the ethos of less-stuff because it’s about being just right – not having too much or too little. Long post warning…… I have a lot to digest and I’ve done …