A demoralising amount of plastic
Sods law dictated that this week, Zero Waste Week, would be that week that things run out. So I’m left with loads of plastic bags that used to contain loo roll, pasta, spinach and peppers. More than usual! I had heard that you can fuse plastic together by ironing but then I found this tutorial to make cups out of plastic bags. So, with the idea of making something useful out of them, I upturned a stainless steel pan in the oven and put sheets of plastic on top. I was aiming for a plant pot, or at least a tray I could stand a plant pot on. Then the phone rang and I got distracted. The good thing is that I ended up with a smaller amount of plastic than I started with. It in no way resembled this though.

My version of fused plastic pots. Nailed it!
My upcycling mojo returns
I’ve been meaning to make slippers from an old felted jumper for ages. Autumn is here and it is getting chillier so now is a great time. I’m really pleased with these, they were quick to sew and are toasty! Full instructions to make the slippers are here.
What is in the bin?
Oh it doesn’t look good. Plastic bags that are not recyclable, foil pouch remnants and foil coated cardboard. I’ll post a picture tomorrow but I’m not proud of it.